divendres, 14 de maig del 2010

Maria and Quim!

We first met it was at infantil nursery. Quim has two years and Maria too. Inmediatly we were best friends. We always went in the same class except in 1rs, 2nd and 3rd of ESO but now we went together another time. When we were little Maria help Quim to wrote his letters of love and Quim things that Maria was his personal psycologist.

We played football in the leisure time and we alweys won. In the excurcions was always at the bus together, holding hands and we ate lollipops.

Before Maria was much higher than Quim but now is backwards. We always met out of school and we play a lot of afternoons. Now we meet to but we don 't play, we speak.

We love a lot, Quim & Maria= BF4è (Best Friends for ever)

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