dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2009

Chinese New year

The year 2010 will be The Year of the Tiger. The Chinese New Year is different to our New Year.
The Chinese New Year is lunar, every year start for one date different. In 2010 it will start on 14 of February. They celebrate with family and dragon dances and fireworks. The Year that I was born was The Year of the Dog!!!

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

The Berlin Wall

1. When was the wall built? The wall was built in 1961

2. Why was the wall built? Because there was an anger between the two Germanies; which did blame one to another for the surrender of their country, and that's why they decided to build up a wall.

3. How long was the wall? (Find a map)
The wall was 96 miles long which are 154 km aprox.

4. What do we celebrate on the 8th November 2009? The 20th birthday of the wall's fall.

5. What is the present situation of this wall?
The wall doesn't actually exist, but somepeople try to sell some of the wall's chunks

6. Can you think of another wall that separates people, Physically or menta
lly? Justify your answer with information, news, pictures, videos etc

The Great Wall of China

This wall is the longest wall of history. This wall, was bulit between 220 - 206 BC by the first emperator of China, Qin Shi Huang. The long of this wall is beteewen 6400 - 7300 km. The Great Wall of China was built because China wanted defend of attacks of their enemies.

divendres, 20 de novembre del 2009

My perfect holiday.

My Perfect holiday is to go The USA. New York is an enormous city. I want to see The Statue of Liberty, The Chrysler Building, the site of The Twin Towers. In California I want to visit Hollywood and the houses of famous people. I want to go to Miami to see all the rich people. In Florida I want to go to Disney World and The Epcott Center.

In America I will eat hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza. I will go to a basketball game of NBA. I will do alot of interesting things in America.

If I win the lottery!

If I win the lottery I will buy a good motorbike, a Yamaha. I will go on a holiday in Poland or Sweden. Poland because I want to see the concentration camps and Sweden because of the beautiful scenery and the different life style. Also I will buy a new home, the home will be big, with swimmingpool, modern and with a big garden. All this for my family and me.
Possibly I will do a skydive, buy a very good computer.

It will be a dream.

dilluns, 16 de novembre del 2009

Series: Fisica o Quimica

This series is about students in a school. The series shows the life of students and adolescents. The students are 17 or 18 years old. I like this series because it is interesting and like reality. Also the series explains the teachers lives and the lives of the students outside and inside school. This year Fisica o Quimica won a prize for the best television series in Spain. All the young people watch this series.

My favourite football team

My favourite football team is FCBarcelona. I have always liked this team. I like to watch the football matches at my cousins house. He likes the same team. My favourite player is Messi. Messi is from Argentina and plays attack. I think he is the best player in the team. In 2006 I went to Barcelona to watch a live game. The match was Barcelona vs Vilareal. Barcelona won! The experience of the stadium was spectacular.
This year Barcelona are first in the league, at the moment.

divendres, 13 de novembre del 2009

A day in my life :)

The Three Wise Men. 6th January.

In the morning on this day I got up and all my family went to the sofa and opened presents. This year I got a bicycle and object for my desk. After I went to my cousins house and I looked at his presents. We played with his presents.
Later, at lunch time, all the family ate a special lunch. We ate lamb and for dessert special cake for Three Wise Men. After lunch I went to my house and I played with my presents. My parents slept.
Every year I like Three Wise Men. My English friend explained in England they do not celebrate Three Wise Men,only Christmas.

dilluns, 2 de novembre del 2009


I like the film Twilight because it's emotional, it has good music and the special effects are impressive.
The scenery is fantastic.
It is a film about vampires but they are not evil, they only drink animal blood. There are evil vampires but the good vampires destroy them.
This month I want to see the second part!


Coca-Cola it's my favorite drink

Invented by: Doctor John Stith Pemberton (a pharmacist)
When: 1886
Where: Atlanta, Georgia
Sales: Sold in 200 countries. In Spain the people drink an average of 95.4 litres of coca cola a year!!!!!More in America and Mexico.

diumenge, 1 de novembre del 2009

My presentation

Hello! My name is Quim Gironell Sanllehí. I’m fourteen years old. My favorite sports are Tennis and football; I practice Tennis in summer and winter.

Last year I suspended English subject. English is a very difficult language for me and this year I need to make more effort. In the summer I went to English class.

I would like to be a teacher. I like the job of teacher for its' hours and I have I a good relationship with children. And is very good job.